
Sierra Single Pitchn' Event // Eastern Sierra

Another amazing weekend with great people in a beautiful place! We wrapped up our Sierra Single Pitchn’ Event in the Eastern Sierra and I think it’s safe to say we’re still coming down from a big high! We spent 2 nights camping in beautiful Rock Creek Canyon and ventured out each day into the Eastern Sierra, sampling some fine rock climbing along the way. Day 1 was spent at Clark Canyon where we climbed large formations composed of volcanic rock followed by a dip in Rock Creek Lake to round out the day. Day 2 we ventured north into the Mammoth Lakes Basin area where we spent the day climbing at Horseshoe Slabs, nestled between Horseshoe Lake and beautiful pine trees of all shapes and sizes. The Sierra is a very special place to all of our Guides, it’s a privilege to be able to introduce people to a place so near and dear to our heart. Thanks to everyone who attended the first annual Sierra Single Pitchn’ Event, this is just the beginning of more fun outings to come on the Eastside! Also, big shout out to GSG Guide Greg Davis for facilitating the weekend and to GSG Guide Tyler Dandurand and GSG Apprentice Guide Sarah Barille for helping along the way. Awesome team we have, couldn't do it without you guys!

To view the full gallery of photos click here.

Eastern Sierra Rock Climbing Horseshoe Slabs Mammoth Lakes Basin
Eastern Sierra Rock Climbing Clark Canyon Mammoth Lakes Basin
Eastern Sierra Rock Climbing Horseshoe Slabs Mammoth Lakes Basin

Girls Leadership Wrapup

The Summer 2018 Girls Leadership Program with Golden State Guiding has officially finished! We’re proud to have supported this fine young group of girls over the course of the last 3 weeks at our local crag, Mission Gorge, as they broke through barriers they never thought imaginable! The girls were put into situations where team building skills were applied, the fundamentals of climbing systems introduced and the emphasis of safety was instilled through instruction of knots and best belay practices. We couldn’t be more pleased with how these girls progressed through the course of the last 3 weeks, great job to everyone! Also, as usual big thanks to GSG Guide @gregasaurus_flex and GSG Apprentice Guide @sarah___bee for facilitating all 3 weeks, couldn’t have done it without you!

Girls Leadership Rock Climbing Program Mission Gorge
Girls Leadership Rock Climbing Program Mission Gorge
Girls Leadership Rock Climbing Program Mission Gorge
Girls Leadership Rock Climbing Program Mission Gorge
Girls Leadership Rock Climbing Program Mission Gorge

2nd Annual Girls Leadership Program // Day 1

The 2nd annual Girls Leadership Program is underway in sunny San Diego and what a great first day we had in the field at our local crag, Mission Gorge. These strong young women are back for their second year in a row with Golden State Guiding working on building confidence, working as a team in an outdoor environment and breaking boundaries they never thought possible. During the 3 days these girls are out with us they'll learn the necessary skills regarding safety checks with partners, rope skills, best practices for belaying, rappelling techniques and much more. Day 1 is complete and was a big success! Thanks to GSG Guide Greg Davis and GSG Apprentice Guide Sarah Barille for facilitating the day. Look for more updates as the program continues over the next couple weeks!

Girls Leadership Program Rock Climbing Mission Gorge San Diego
Girls Leadership Program Rock Climbing Mission Gorge San Diego