The outdoors are where many of us feel most at home, whether on a wall or in the backcountry. It's what rejuvenates our body, mind and soul.

Growing up and actively participating in outdoor recreational activities my attention was always drawn to the summits of distant mountain tops where I would find myself daydreaming of what it would be like to be on top of one of the many peaks stretched across the horizon. It was only natural to want to turn this passion I had for the mountains into a lifestyle. For the past 15 years I've dedicated myself to exploring the Range of Light, known as the Sierra Nevada. From nights under the stars backpacking in Yosemite, to technical climbing on the Eastside, some of my fondest memories have been with groups of friends in the backcountry and the partners I've shared a rope with. The bonds your forge with partners in the mountains are priceless.

Sound familiar? My story is no different from many others and could very well be your own. Whether you're a climber, mountaineer, skier, splitboarder, backpacker or simply an outdoor advocate we all share one thing in common, we love the places we visit outdoors. Mother Natures' arena has had a prolific impact on my life so I know how positive being outside can be. With the help of our highly qualified AMGA guides I hope to bring similar experiences we've all encountered to other like-minded individuals looking to create memories of their own.


Ryan Hartegan // GSG Founder