Scott Larson Golden State Guiding Ambassador Kahiltna Glacier


GSG Ambassador

Scott is an alpine climber, mountaineer, and backcountry skier. He lives in San Diego, but his heart lies in the mountains. On weekends, he is often found in the Sierra Nevada, chasing long ridge climbs, frozen waterfalls, and big ski descents. 

Scott started gym climbing in Chicago around 2011, and quickly caught the ice climbing and backcountry skiing bugs. In 2013, he moved back to San Diego, began climbing outside, and hiking the big California peaks. Bored with class I peak bagging, he started alpine climbing and hasn't looked back. 

Scott is a member of the National Ski Patrol, patrols in Big Bear, and is avalanche level 2 certified. 

When Scott isn't climbing and skiing, he can be found surfing, sailing, and paragliding. He is a software engineer with Microsoft. 

Career Highlights

  • Pico de Orizaba - 18, 490’ (Alpine Grade III) Mexico

  • Denali - West Rib - 20,320’ (Alpine Grade IV) Denali NP, Alaska (Unguided)

  • Mt Kilimanjaro - 19,341’

  • Solo Expedition - Mt Foraker (17,400’ - Unsuccessful), Mt Capps, Kahiltna Dome, Mt. Crosson (Successful Summits)

  • North Ridge Lone Pine Peak (5.6, Grade III)