June Lake Rock Climbing Eastern Sierra

June Lake ROCK climbing

Sport, Trad, All Levels // Elevation: 7,600' // Trip Length Single Day

Not only does June Lake play host to endless amounts of premier ice climbing and skiing in the winter months, but it also boasts multiple rock climbing formations for all climbing abilities through late spring to late fall. The most popular climbing area is adjacent to the beautiful Silver Lake and is called Silver Lake climbing area, although Rush Creek is becoming a close second. Much of the climbing in June Lake is similar to Clark Canyon due to the rock being volcanic tuff but there are sprinkles of granite throughout the June Lake area as well. If you’re looking for a fun day out with the family or a casual day at the crag with friends, the June Lake area is a good option and will not disappoint! If traveling in the fall (end of September to early November) this is a particularly good venue option due to the leaves changing colors!